v5.9 of Endpoint Protector by CoSoSys is now available, adding even more features and improvements to enhance your data loss prevention strategy and safeguard your sensitive data.
Critical updates in the latest release include:
Apple OCR on macOS
Introducing one of our biggest advances in OCR capabilities, Endpoint Protector is the industry’s first DLP solution to leverage Apple’s Vision Framework for hardware-based text recognition in images.
Our recent benchmark tests saw the new OCR engine deliver a 10x performance improvement, improving the speed at which extensive volumes of files can be scanned for sensitive data and enhancing your organization’s capacity to monitor and safeguard confidential or sensitive information efficiently.
Ignore Virtual Printers
We’re introducing a new feature that allows you to selectively disregard events generated by virtual printers, such as PDF printers. This enhancement not only helps to conserve valuable log space but also reduces the workload on your analytics and administration teams. With this option, you can now focus on tracking PDFs only when they exit your organization’s environment, streamlining your monitoring efforts and improving efficiency.
New Predefined Compliance Policies
To support our customers using Endpoint Protector to meet their compliance objectives, we’re delighted to introduce the following new predefined policies.
- FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) Predefined Policy focused on safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
- SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002) compliance Predefined Policy, strengthening PII safeguarding and regulatory compliance.
- FERPA compliance, prioritizing the safeguarding of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in line with educational data protection requirements.
- New York Shield Act compliance, enhancing PII protection and overall security in line with the act’s requirements.
Smart DPI logging.
Log throttling, also known as Smart DPI logging for URL Denylists, is a new feature that empowers admins to filter out non-relevant information and mitigate the issue of excessive false positives in logs. This invaluable capability significantly reduces the database footprint of logs to simplify analytical tasks for administrators.
Audio Device Management
We’ve introduced a new level of precision within our Device Control module, giving you the power to manage USB Audio devices with exceptional granularity on Windows. This capability extends to embedded and USB audio devices, affording you comprehensive control and allowing you to restrict access to company-mandated devices only.
What else is available in v5.9.0.0?
Egress detection of CLI utilities
Introducing the capacity to oversee and control applications from their inception, even when initiated through command-line or terminal interfaces, allowing for more robust monitoring and potential blocking to safeguard sensitive data.
File Shadowing – AWS S3 storage for Linux
We take pride in our commitment to feature parity, and we’re thrilled to announce that we are now extending the capability to store File Shadow artifacts in AWS S3 buckets for Linux systems.
Instant Messaging Improvements
We’ve broadened our application coverage by adding the capability to monitor the egress of sensitive data through Google Chat.
Monitor Microsoft Project files
Expanded DLP policy coverage to include file detection of .mpp file types.
Please read the release notes for a complete Endpoint Protector 5.9 features and updates list.
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