Endpoint Protector Release History

Learn about the current and previous Endpoint Protector updates. Information regarding changes and enhancements is detailed in chronological order below.


Endpoint Protector – Maintenance Update

(Remarks: Applies to Version

Endpoint Protector 4

Server Version:


   Endpoint Protector Server
  • Audit Log Backup files can now be externalized to storage locations such as FTP, SFTP and Samba

Bug fixes:

  • Sometimes, using the back button in the Alerts section would redirect to a broken page. Fixed
  • For MTP transfers, shadowed files displayed incorrect names and file extensions when downloaded. Fixed
  • Fixed missing file name and file type information from the Client Integrity Failed event
  • Issue related to free licenses used in Trial Mode was fixed
  • Fixed inconsistencies that could occur after applying Deny Access rights to devices when using RDP in correlation with Thin Clients

Windows Client Version:

Bug fixes:

  • The Network Share Whitelists did not work as intended in all cases. Fixed

Mac Client Version:


  • macOS Sierra is now supported

Bug fixes:

  • In specific circumstances, a 30 minutes Offline Temporary Password generated for a specific device could be re-used. Fixed
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